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M e t a l H i v e N e t w o r k

Earthing Rod And Earthing Accessories

Category: Brass Electrical

Metal Hive Network offers a comprehensive range of high-quality earthing rods and accessories designed for robust electrical grounding systems. Our collection includes unthreaded and threaded earth rods, solid copper earth rods, and specialized options like rods with coupling joints, conical couplings, and male-female threaded ends. Accessories such as driving heads, earth bonding points, and water pipe clamps ensure reliable installations. Choose from diverse clamps, including split clamps, single and double plate U-bolt clamps, tower earth clamps, and pipe bend clamps, along with earth plates in copper-bonded steel or lattice designs. For versatile cable and tape connections, we provide rod-to-tape and rod-to-cable clamps in Type A, Type G, and Type U variants. With products like earthing disconnector clamps, eye bolts, ground clamps, and tower mast couplings, we deliver tailored solutions to meet all grounding requirements. Explore our earthing range today for unparalleled durability and efficiency!

metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Earth Rod Unthreaded

DescriptionCode No.SizeThreadRod
Earth Rod UnthreadedERU95129.5 X 1200Unthreaded9.5
 ERU121512 X 1500Unthreaded12
 ERU123012 X 3000Unthreaded12
 ERU141514 X 1500Unthreaded14
 ERU142014 X 2000Unthreaded14
 ERU181518 X 1500Unthreaded18
 ERU191519 X 1500Unthreaded19
 ERU201520 X 1500Unthreaded20
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Earth Rod Threaded Both Side

DescriptionCode No.SizeThreadRod
Earth Rod Threaded (Both Side)ERT14121514 X 15009/16”12.7
 ERT14122014 X 20009/16”12.7
 ERT16141216 X 12005/8” or 16mm14.2
 ERT16141516 X 15005/8” or 16mm14.2
 ERT16141816 X 18005/8” or 16mm14.2
 ERT16142016 X 20005/8” or 16mm14.2
 ERT16142416 X 24005/8” or 16mm14.2
 ERT16143016 X 30005/8” or 16mm14.2
 ERT20171220 X 12003/4” or 18mm17.2
 ERT20171520 X 15003/4” or 18mm17.2
 ERT20171820 X 18003/4” or 18mm17.2
 ERT20172020 X 20003/4” or 18mm17.2
 ERT20172420 X 24003/4” or 18mm17.2
 ERT20173020 X 30003/4” or 18mm17.2
 ERT15151515 X 150016mm15
 ERT16161516 X 150016mm16
 ERT16162016 X 200016mm16
 ERT18181518 X 150018mm18
 ERT18182018 X 200018mm18
 ERT20201520 X 150020mm20
 ERT20202020 X 200020mm20
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

With Coupling Joint Male Female

DescriptionCode No.SizeThreadRod
Earth Rod With Coupling Joint Male-FemaleERJ18181518 X 1500Unthreaded18
 ERJ18182018 X 2000Unthreaded18
 ERJ20201520 X 1500Unthreaded20
 ERJ20202020 X 2000Unthreaded20
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Driving Head

DescriptionCode No.Size
Driving HeadSDH149/16”
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Solid Copper Earth Rod

DescriptionCode No.DiameterLength
Solid CopperSCR151215mm1200mm
Earth RodSCR201220mm1200mm
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Plus Earth Rod

DescriptionCode No.Size(MM)Length
Plus Earth RodHER5051050 X 50 X 51000
 HER5051550 X 50 X 51500
 HER5052050 X 50 X 52000
 HER5052550 X 50 X 52500
 HER5053050 X 50 X 53000
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Rod Coupling Conical

DescriptionCode No.Size
MaterialBrassGun Metal 
Rod Coupling ConicalTBC12TCC1212
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Rod Coupling Threaded

DescriptionCode No.Size
MaterialBrassGun Metal 
Rod Coupling (Threaded)BRC14CRC149/16”
 BRC16CRC165/8” or 16mm
 BRC18CRC183/4” or 18mm
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Rod To Tape Type A

DescriptionCode No.Rod DiaConductor
MaterialBrassGun Metal Size(MM)
Rod To Tape Type ‘A’BRT1426CRT14261226 X 12
 BRT1626CRT16261626 X 12
 BRT2026CRT20262026 X 10
 BRT1640CRT16401640 X 12
 BRT1651CRT16511651 X 08
 BRT2051CRT20512051 X 12
 BRT2526CRT25262526 X 10
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Rod To Cable Type G And Type U

DescriptionCode No.Rod DiaConductor
MaterialBrassGun Metal Size(MM)
Rod To CableBGC95CGC959.56-35
Type GBCG16CCG161616-70
Type UBCU16CCU161616-70
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Split Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Rod Dia.
MaterialBrassGun Metal 
Split ClampSTC95GTC959.5
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Single Plate U Bolt Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Rod Dia.
Single Plate ‘U’ Bolt ClampSCBC1616
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Double Plate U Bolt Clamp Tape

DescriptionCode No.Rod Dia.
Double Plate 'U' Bolt Clamp - TapeDCBC1616
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Rod To Cable Type GUV

DescriptionCode No.Rod Dia.Conductor Size
Rod To Cable(Type GUV)CGV16161616 – 95
 CGV20162016 – 70
 CGV16701670 – 185
 CGV20702070 – 150
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

U Bolt Pipe Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Size
MaterialGun Metal / Bronze / Brass 
U Bolt Pipe ClampBPC251"
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Double Plate U Bolt Clamp Conductor

DescriptionCode No.Rod Dia.
Double Plated 'U' Bolt Clamp - ConductorDPBC1616
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Water Pipe Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Size
MaterialGun Metal / Bronze / Brass 
Water Pipe ClampWPC251/2 – 1"
 WPC501" - 2"
 WPC1002" - 4"
 WPC1504" - 6"
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Ground Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Size
MaterialGun Metal / Bronze / Brass 
Ground ClampGGC251/2 – 3/4" - 1"
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Earth Bonding Points

DescriptionCode No.No. of M8 Holes
MaterialGun Metal 
Earth Bonding PointsCEB811
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Rod To Cable

DescriptionCode No.Rod Dia.
Rod To CableBNC1414
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Joint For Rod

DescriptionCode No.Rod Dia.
Rod To CableBNC1414
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Earth Plate Copper Bonded Steel

DescriptionCode No.Size(MM)
Earth Plate(Copper Bonded Steel)EPC6615600 x 600 x 1.5
 EPC9915900 x 900 x 1.5
 EPC6603600 x 600 x 3
 EPC9903900 x 900 x 3
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Earth Plate Copper Lattice

DescriptionCode No.Size(MM)
Earth Plate Copper (Lattice)EPL6603600 x 600 x 3
 EPL9903900 x 900 x 3
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Tower Earth Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Conductor Size(MM²)
MaterialGun Metal 
Tower Earth ClampTEC1616 – 70
 TEC7070 – 120
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Earth Disconnector Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Conductor Size(MM²)
Earth Disconnector ClampEDC0135
 EDC0210 – 35
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Earthing Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Conductor Size(MM²)
Earthing ClampEC1412 - 75
 EC1512 - 75
 EC1612 - 75
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Pipe Bend Clamp

DescriptionCode No.Pipe Dia.
Pipe Bend ClampPB03814 – 38
 PB05214 – 52
 PB11414 – 114
 PB16814 – 168
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Eye Bolt

DescriptionCode No.Rod Dia.
MaterialGun Metal 
Eye BoltCEB165/8” or 16mm
 CEB203/4” or 18mm
metal hive network earthing-rod-and-earthing-accessories

Tower Mast Coupling

DescriptionCode No.
Tower Mast CouplingBMC120